

  1. Hello how long will take to receive the order from the time I place them. Thank you

    1. It depends on what it is but within a few days except for jumbos. Jumbos we are backed up on for about a week

  2. I placed a order on the 17th for Snowie quail eggs. I was wondering when they might be shipped?

    1. They are going out tomorrow. For Monday or Tuesday delivery.

  3. I ordered a mix batch of eggs on june 5th. When could i expect them to come in, so i can make sure to get them from the mail?

    1. Sorry just saw this message. They have been sent out Saturday you should get them tuesday

      1. Thank you so much! The quail look so lovely, im so excited get them!

        1. Great. I will be working on it next week. It will take me a while hahahaha

  4. When can I expect my order to be shipped?

    1. I believe your order ships Monday

  5. Are we able to order additional individual quail with a package (Like the 1 male and 5 female for 42$) or would we have to by a second package?

    1. We can do that for you. We might put up an option for that. We will talk it over and see if we can figure out how to do it hahaha. Feel free to call or text me at 937-760-7282 and we will get you taken care of.

      1. Alright, thank you 🙂

  6. Hi, good afternoon excuse my impatience
    When can I expect my order to be shipped?

    1. We will have them ready to ship a week from Monday.

  7. If we buy two separate packages of quail, do we pay for two shipping charges or just one shipping charge?

    1. It would be 1 shipping price. A little higher but not by much. It goes by weight and zip code

  8. Do you know when you will have the quail breeder sets available again to order?

    1. I am about 3 weeks out

  9. When would be the best time for shipping to Minnesota in order to not get frozen eggs?

    1. We ship there now and averaging a 72% hatch rate on shipped eggs.

  10. When will jumbo’s be available?

    1. I am planning on them to be back on the website by Wednesday!!!! Sorry for the inconvenience

  11. Hi,

    Good Day. I am interested to buy fertile quail egg to hatch and raised for my own self reliance. Do you ship in Philippines?

    1. No I’m sorry not at this time. Not until the covid-19 is over with. Sorry

  12. Hi, I recently ordered some of the live quail and was wondering what types of feed you personally feed your quail so I can try and make a smooth transition for them when they arrive.

    1. Sure. Great idea. I actually just did a video about 3 weeks ago on my feed and what we use and when on our YouTube channel Myshire Farm that might answer everything for you

  13. Hi, will we get an email saying our order is shipped? or do we only get the confirmation email? I ordered on the 15th and it said it might take 2 weeks to ship, and I just wanted to know if we would get an alert before they arrived at the post office

    1. Yes we will send you an email with the tracking number the day before we ship so you know they are on the way.

  14. Do you ship live birds to Canada ?

    1. We do not I’m sorry

  15. hi when do you have your live breeder set for sale again? its been out of stock for a while now. thank you!

    1. It will be a few months unfortunately I’m sorry. We are selling all eggs for hatching at the moment and do not have any to put in to raise and sell as live

  16. We purchased 30 of the Tuxedo Quail Variety. 21 of the 30 hatched which was awesome. I have never had a hatch rate like that before. We are hoping to place an order for the Panda Quail. Can you tell me when those will be available? I am not wanting the variety with the Panda, just Panda. Thank you

    1. That is great! Congrats. Unfortunately the pandas will be out for a while as I am working on them to improve them

  17. Forgive me if this is posted somewhere on the website but how many eggs can fit per shipping box? I’m looking to place a large mixed order and want to make sure I don’t over fill the shipping box and then have a partial second box. Thank you!

    1. No problem. We can fit up to 240 in 1 box.

  18. I just placed an order for 170 jumbo wild fertile eggs. What kind of timeframe am I looking at for shipment so I can prepare?

    1. About a week. 5-7 days they should ship after ordered

  19. VERY HAPPY WITH MY PURCHASE! If anyone can’t decide on if they want to order from Myshire farms, don’t think twice before making a purchase! They have excellent customer service and the birds I ordered are very healthy and happy(they where shipped all the way to our ranch in Idaho). Thank you Myshire Farm!

  20. Hello, do you ship hatching eggs to Europe also?
    Best regards,

    1. No I am sorry not at this time

  21. Hi, what brand of incubator do you use? Thanks!

    1. We build our own I’m sorry

      1. Very Cool!

  22. We Really Love Myshire Farms you all are amazing and really know your stuff we love or quail thanks again

    1. Thank you so much

  23. I ordered 25 eggs (Received 30! Thank you!) of the Variety Choice last year. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with not only your immaculate shipping of the eggs, but also the vitality of your chicks. 25 hatched out of this batch. I had previously incubated eggs from another supplier, and their shipping was just sad. Most of the eggs arrived cracked, but I somehow managed to hatch five.
    One of the most striking differences with your stock is their independence right as they hatch. With most other poultry I’ve raised, I’ve had to carefully hand-feed and hand-water them, and treat wry-neck and splayed legs, but not with these! They immediately learned how to drink, and even quickly learn the placement of the food and water with almost zero intervention. One year later, our flock of 21 is healthy as ever and the females are still laying. (We only lost a few to accidents, all were healthy but one who seemed to suffer from seizures) I’m looking forward to hatching my next batch this year of the pharaoh type, they seem to be the most friendly and energetic! Ive been eagerly refreshing the page all week to see when they will be in stock again ? Thank you for your amazing business!

    1. That is great congrats

  24. Hi, I ordered 25 snowie quail eggs yesterday and I was wondering when they will ship. Thank you.

  25. Do you sell other verieties of quail non coturnix. Just curious as i thisbis such a reputable company and the care for delivery so high level

    1. No I am sorry we only specialize in coturnix

  26. Hi, I ordered 25 eggs this Sunday and was wondering about how long it will be until they ship. I know it says 3-4 weeks, but I was just wondering if there is any chance that they may come sooner. Thank you, I can’t wait:)
    – Ryder

    1. That is the accurate wait time but we will get orders out as soon as possible

      1. Ok, thank you

  27. AMAZING! This was my first time hatching quail and I couldn’t be happier. I ordered 25, they sent me 29. Out of those 29, 24 of them hatched! Only two eggs didn’t develop. The three others were fully developed, but I assume they got shrink wrapped (due to opening incubator during hatch) and didn’t make it. Now I have 22 healthy, happy, and amazing quail. If you are questioning buying from Myshire, don’t think twice. Thank you so much:)

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