7497 Manning Rd

Miamisburg, Ohio 45342

(937) 760-7282

Questions? Email us! Zack@myshirefarm.com or Jenna@myshirefarm.com


  1. hi,
    I recently had a neighbor’s cat take out several of my breeding groups of jumbo colored types. I’d really like to get some replacements from you! Your birds are AWESOME!

    1. Thank you! We would love you help you replace your covey! Quail are such great little birds that once you have them, its very hard to go back to NOT having them!

      1. Hi Zack..
        Do you have any idea when the Jumbo Wilds hatching eggs will be available?
        I’ve been checking your site, but most say out of stock.
        If you would let me know that would be great. Thank you, Dwayne

        1. They are in stock now

  2. Hey there, I purchased a dozen Coturnix a month or so ago and it turned out that they were all males. I kept one but he’s been solo for a few weeks – do you guys ever sell adult hens in small numbers? I’d love to give him a companion of one or two females. We keep ours inside as pets. Eggs would be amazing for our Tegu, but at this point not a necessity as he seems super bummed being alone so an older non laying hen would be okay too. 🙂

  3. Hello,

    I have a pair of Coturnix quail (male/female) I thought it would be good to get some color as these 2 are white. I think I am interested in getting another female for my male. I wanted to come look at your farm. Sounds like a great place. I currently also have a button quail and a dove. I have raised dove for over 20 years and just love having pet birds. Thanks,

    1. Hello!

      We would be glad to help you find a friend for your birds,,, and we have lots of colors to choose from! You can message or call my cell to set up an appointment to come out! 937 760-7281

  4. I am looking to start a quail covey at my school in a newly forming Agriculture Club. Do you ship your breeding sets? I am in Upstate NY

    1. Sent you shipping info through Facebook! Thank you for your interest and congrats on your new ag group!

  5. Do you ship frozen birds, or is it pick up only.

    1. Hello! And thank you for contacting us! We ship frozen quail in bulk… If you let me know how many you are interested in, and your zip code I would be happy to get a quote for you! We also travel the tristate area monthly, if we could save you some shipping we would be happy to do that too!

      Thanks for your interest!
      Myshire Farm

      1. what is meant by tristate? Ohio, NY, and PA?

        1. Ohio area. About within an hour of the farm

  6. Your 5 pack of quail for 35.00. What is the breakdown of the sexes you send? I’m looking to add quail to the animals my son and I raise.

    1. Break down of sexes is One male, and four hens…That is a good ratio for fertilization with the hens getting stressed from being overbred. If you are not looking to incubate your eggs, than we can send 5 hens instead. Thank you for contacting us and please let us know what else we can do to help!

  7. Hi there! Stumbled upon your site while looking at Ebay, ironically enough lol.

    Coturnix quail are something I’ve wanted for a long time and I am seriously thinking about ordering some from you. I was originally going to buy eggs and hatch my own, but I realized I don’t need 50-100 birds at a time, so then I got to thinking about ordering a couple of your sexed quail packs, do you ship birds this time of year or would it be better to wait until closer to spring. Also do coturnix quail need heat in winter? They’d be kept in my shed with my rabbits.

    But I’m wondering how to go about it? How are they shipped? do they go to the post office or can they be sent directly to a residence through UPS? I was wondering because I don’t yet know if my local post office accepts live animals, I’d have to contact them.

    If you could, get back to me either by email or I’ve also included my facebook account.
    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hello and thank you for contacting us!

      Ill try to answer your questions 🙂 Quail do not need heat in the winter just out of the elements. So that they are not in direct snow or rain. A shed would be ideal.You will need some artificial lighting in the winter months if you want winter eggs…. We ship birds year round through the USPS and yes it is allowed… 🙂 you will have to pick up your box at your local postoffice. So we just put your phone number on top of the box… the box is a special poultry box that has a nice mat for the birds and plenty of ventilation. I ship them with cucumbers to give them some liquid and something to do on the trip. Sexed breeder groups are ideal for getting started although i will warn, these birds are awesome and quite addicting 🙂 We have completely switched out of chickens in preference to the quail. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or if i missed something.


  8. Hey,
    Where are you all located? I’d like to get to your farm to look and maybe learn lots.
    I’d like to see if I can start a small farm. In a small garden of about 600 Sq ft. Thanks in advance. Waiting for your reply.

    Ed liu

  9. I truly enjoy your website. So much useful information. Such beautiful birds!! Your farm looks like a slice of heaven. Watching your videos is like attending a pep rally for quail lovers!

    I have a couple of questions…

    1. If I am planning to incubate in mid July, how much time ahead would i need to place my order?

    2. Do you know of a reliable mail-order feed supplier?


  10. Hello where is ur farm located ? I’m looking to buy some day I’ll chicks …I understand I’d have to pick them up

  11. Your ’50Jumbo Wild Type Coturnix Hatching Eggs’ show available on backorder. Do you know when they may be available for shipping again?

  12. Hi I’m a quail farmer and I’m getting so many orders that i just can’t keep up with them. I don’t want these read by anyone but you. Could you please reply with a private contact.

    1. Sure feel free to call me at +19377607282 and we can try to help as much as possible

  13. Do you sell hatching eggs in January? If not, ? when will you be selling the Texas A.M. Quail hatching eggs ? Jonathan in Mobile Ala. 251 – 447 – 6969

    1. We ship all year long. Feel free to call me at +19377607282 if you have any questions

  14. Are eggs orders processed the same week as ordered. Is there a waiting list. I was interested in the jumbo white and brown quail. Would be ordering 80 white and 80 brown. Also are the jumbo whites dark meat or a white meat like the a&m quail. Would be placing order before Jan. 11, 2019. Thanks David

    1. I am on a wait list on whites. About 4 days and the jumbo wilds I have available now. The whites are dark meat and a jumbo is anything over 10 oz at 10 weeks old and our whites are just 11oz but our wilds are 14oz so if you are looking for meat I strongly recommend the wilds plus you can feather sex at 3 weeks old

  15. sir i have little quail farm in my home. I started this work without any experience.My problems are as under.
    1.1 or 2 % hatching rate.
    2.all chicks die one by one mortility/death rate is 100%
    3.My eggs production is short kindly sujjest solution thanks

    1. Well I would suggest you have a 3 to 1 ratio for fertile eggs and for incubation check out the blog we wrote that gives temps and humidity and such.

  16. Hello, I am in Trinidad&Tobago, and want to establish a quail production facility and neeed cages,incubators,hatchers, etc along with hatching eggs and teenagers. Please supply relevant info and export prices.
    John Laquis

    1. We can not export at this time. I am sorry. Good luck

  17. hi Zack, my name is Paul, I was wondering if your golden coturnix quail are the jumbos. Also what the price of 50 eggs would be with shipping. Do you except money orders for payment? My contact is ptwmaine@gmail.com thank you

    1. Our golds average about 9.5oz so not quite Jumbos. And they are .50 cents each so it would be $25 plus shipping. Shipping depends on zip code. You can text or call me at +19377607282 and I can give you a price quote.

  18. Hey guys I have been talking to you (Zack)via messenger, I have a shipment to go out tomorrow 1/22/19 to arrive 1/24/19. Tuesday and wednesday will be upper 30s and low forties. Thursday is supposed to dip mid 20’s. Is there a concern with the temps when shipping?

    1. No you should be ok. It is the same here so tomorrow is great to ship.

      1. awesome, thank you. love what you guys are doing

        1. Thanks I appreciate that.

  19. Hi Zack, this is Marek from Czech Republic (Europe). I am a small-scale quail breeder and I would love to import 100 hatching eggs from you (sex-linked and jumbo wild) in March. Can you ship to Czech Republic and if so, at what condition? With best regards, Marek

    1. I am working on it now. I am hoping by then I will be certified

      1. Thanks a lot! Please, keep me informed. Marek

  20. Hello. I was wondering when you would have breeding sets of the Jumbo Wild available to order? It says out of stock, but can I pre-pay and be placed on a wait list?

    1. I should have them back in stock in 2 weeks to ship. If you would like to call or text me at +19377607282 I can put you on the list

      1. Wonderful! I will contact you. Does the $50 for breeding pair of 6 include shipping or what would shipping be? I am in Central NY. I definitely would like 1 set, but might get 2 sets depending on shipping costs. Thank you so much.

        1. We can fit 3 sets in a box. What is your zip code and I can let you know shipping for both options

          1. My zip code is 13820. I would get either 1 or 2 sets. Thank you again.

          2. $25 for 1 set or $33 for 2 sets.

  21. Hello,

    I noticed your Pastel German lines are no longer on sale, I was planning on getting some this Febuary. Is it possible you can tell me when they will be back on sale?

    1. They should be on there. I will reset it and try again. But they should be on there. I will look into it

  22. zack, hello, I live in ohio and ive been on the internet and you guys are most informative. I have filled out a business plan but I have a few questions on the set up.wonder if we could talk or email at some point. thanks,Frank

    1. Sure. Feel free to call me at +19377607282

  23. Would like to order 2 of the breeding sets when available please put me on the list I can PayPal venmo or apple pay to secure them

    1. No need to pay. Can you text or call me at +19377607282 and I will get you on the list

  24. Hi guys, i ordered 50 Jumbo Wild hatching eggs on monday. I didn’t get a delivery date on my order and was wondering when you usually ship out? Thanks so much.
    ~ Cole

    1. Looks like Saturday for Monday delivery to you. Depending on the time of year it takes up to a week but usually 3-4 days But this is busy season so about a week

  25. can you tell me if your quail egg cartons will fit both standard and jumbo quail eggs?

    1. Not our jumbos but we make them fit.

  26. Hi, I am wondering if I plan to incubate and then go for egg production and meat which type of quail would you recommend for me to start with? Also how many quail will comfortably fit in the wynola 6 tier cage set up? Thank you Vincent

    1. Jumbo wilds are bred for meat and eggs and we recommend a 3.5 quail per sq ft.

  27. I ordered hatching eggs a couple days ago. How long does it usually take for eggs to be shipped? Sorry to bother you, just really excited to get started!

    1. Looks like I will be shipping on Saturday for Tuesday delivery

  28. I am preparing to order eggs within the next 10 days. I am considering the Scarlet/red range, and also the Golden Italians. I’m not wild about the Golden Manchurians, though. Can I order just the Golden Italians, and not the Golden Manchurians? If I have to order the Golden Italian eggs with the Manchurian eggs mixed in, approximately what percentage of the Golden Manchurians would I expect to receive in any batch of eggs? I might order Pearls instead of the Goldens, but your description says they were bred for color & egg production, but no mention of a docile temperament. I prefer calm birds, so should I avoid the Pearls because they are more nervous? Thanks for getting back to me.

    1. All are about the same temperament except for the jumbo wilds. The golds are together because they breed true with golden males with Italian hens.

  29. Which type of your Coturnix quail are your best layers? Are the Jumbo Wilds less calm?

    1. The golds and our jumbos and the wilds are the most active but seem to have the best temperament.

  30. Wanting to order 50 of the mixed coloration coturnix hatching eggs but I wont be ready for them until the end of March. When should I order?

    1. We are on about a week delay but when you purchase there is a section for notes that you can put on what day you would like shipped.

  31. I started my lockdown on quail eggs a day early by mistake will they be able to hatch? Dont know how I could have but I did.

    1. It should be fine. You might loose one or two but should be ok still

    2. Thanks so much Trying to be a good quail parent

  32. I ordered 30 jumbo wild eggs March 8 and was wandering when they would be shipped and arriving so that I might be prepared.

    1. It’s really depending on the weather. I did not ship 3 days last week due to the weather being so cold want to make sure you have a high hatch rate. Text me tomorrow 937-760-7282 and I should know more then.

  33. When will your live quail be ready to ship?

    1. April 1st

  34. I placed an order for hatching eggs yesterday but I’m thinking that the live birds would be better for us. We run off of a generator during the day but rely on an inverter system at night and I’m not sure if it will handle an incubator. Is there any way I can cancel the eggs and order the live birds when available? Or can I reserve the live birds now? I would be needing 24 of the older live quail.

    1. Sure call or text 937-760-7282 and we will work it out. No worries

      1. We don’t have phone service but I can email or text over wifi.

  35. I ordered 110 hatching eggs earlier this week. I see you said you are about a week out. Does that go for all the eggs or just some? I am hoping that all the eggs will be sent at the same time even though I picked 3 different color’s. I am planning on putting them all in the incubator at the same time. I only ask this because I ordered chicken eggs from another hatchery and they wanted to send them on different days. Is it going to be a problem to send them all at the same time?

    1. It goes for just Jumbos but I am not going to collect the other eggs until I have jumbos ready for you. So they will all be shipped together and laid same day as shipped

    2. Sorry for the delay. We got hit hard all at one time.

  36. I sat down to order 50 Jumbo Wild eggs today, then saw that you are out of stock until approximately March 25. I’ve do doubt you are taking a lot of orders, and that it is prime season, so I understand the reason for the delay. But I would still like to put in my order and pay in advance, so I will be in line when the Jumbo Wild eggs come available again. Is there any way I can still put in my order now?? I would be happy to call and handle it directly, if that would work.

    1. Sure just message me at +19377607282 and we will get you taken care of

  37. Are you still having trouble getting rid of your males?

    1. No not really. We have pretty consistent buyers now. Why?

  38. I’m just checking on the live breeder sets.

    1. I have about 500 in brooder ready to go on April 1st

  39. Can I reserve 4 sets of 6 breeders mix coloration? I can pay in full or put a deposit down.

    1. If you want to call or text me at +19377607282. I am doing inventory on 500 quail next week to ship out on April 1st. I should know more mid week what I have available.

  40. Please inform me about price and shipping for one dozen Coturnix fertile hatching eggs and stype of shipping, UPS, FedEx, USPS or whatever to: papatooker@gmail.com would like to have eggs in the middle of April or earley May thank you

    1. Shipping is based on zip code. And eggs are just .50 cents each so it would be $6 plus shipping. We ship priority mail USPS

  41. Hi
    I was wondering when you will have the 30 count of Jumbo Wilds and wanted to order 30 of the Col orations with it along with the egg cutting scissors? And could you give me an idea on shipping cost for this zip code, 76230? Also would like to know what form of payment method you like best?

    1. They will be back on the website on Thursday. Also shipping is around $18 to you

  42. Hi there! I ordered some of your Jumbo brown hatching eggs before ever knowing that you have a website and I’m wondering if website orders take presidency at all over eBay orders? I ask because the estimated delivery date is toward the very end of April. I don’t mind waiting for quality eggs from experienced professionals, but I must admit I would be excited and pleasantly surprised if they arrived sooner. Is the estimated date a rough estimate and might they actually ship sooner? Would like to have incubator prepared beforehand. Thanks so much in advance.

    1. No I will ship out Tuesday or Wednesday. We were on a wait list so I changed the delivery time on eBay but we are off the wait so I am changing it tomorrow. Expect it by end of week. We will send you tracking number when shipped

      1. Thanks so much! So glad I asked. Best Blessings,

        1. Yours is going out tomorrow morning. I had a few orders before you. But they will be laid tonight so as fresh as they can be

  43. Good Morning. I have a few questions and some news. We are at day 18 with our 30 Pearl hatching eggs. Day 16 we had 12 hatch; day 17 – 4 hatch; and it looks like we have to pipping right now. How exciting! We are over 50% hatch rate thus far. This is the first time we’ve ever hatched out eggs of any kind. How many days can we expect the hatching to take place? Thanks to all your videos, we’ve had success thus far. Which leads me to my next question. In Idaho, selling quail eggs to restaurants seems to be a puzzle thus far in my research. The USDA and Central District Health Department (CDHD) are wanting to treat quail eggs as chicken eggs, but not certain. I haven’t seen you do a video on your egg distribution room (as required by USDA for 300 birds or more). Do you have one? And/or have you found there to be a different listing which forgoes this requirement? And what grading are they assigned? You are inspiring us to bring this venture to a business level and we are SO excited to follow your model. Thanks a bundle!

    1. To help you why don’t you call me at +19377607282 later tonight and I can help and answer any questions

      1. Will do. Thanks for letting me intrude on such a busy time of your year.

  44. Hello,
    I put in an order today for some quail eggs. I have hatched chickens before but not quail do you have a sheet of how to do or any tips? Another question is will you let me know when they have shipped? Just wonder when they might arrive, not in a rush just curious.
    Thank you so much. We are very excited! Anna Marie

    1. What did you order? And yes I will put a hatching guide in the box for you?

  45. I placed an order on April 19th and I put in the notes to send them on the 23rd. Just checking to make sure they will be sent tomorrow.

    1. Yes it is shipping and getting collected tomorrow

  46. I’m really wanting to buy some hatching eggs from you. I’m just wondering, after you get the order, how soon after do you ship the eggs?
    Also, which color of quail would you recommend for a beginner? Or all they all pretty similar?

    1. They are all similar as far as durable and they all lay around 300 eggs a year and they are laid within 24 hours when shipped

  47. Hello Myshire Farm,

    I just have a couple quick questions!

    Do you guys know when your Italian / Golden Manchurian breeder set will be back in stock?
    (And Is there anyway I can buy only the females? I currently have a male and do not need anymore! I would be willing to still pay full price for just the 5 females!)

    And just to clarify, you do ship throughout the United States?

    Anyway, Thank you for reading and I hope to hear back from you soon!

    1. We are about 4-6 weeks out to have any live quail for sale. If you would like to text or call me at +19377607282 we can work something out

  48. How old are the quail in your breeder sets?

    1. They are 4 weeks old

  49. What age are the quail in your breeder set? Are they the same age as the teenagers?

    1. They are they are just feather sexable

  50. Hi, I’m interested in buying your mix set for hatching eggs and I had two questions:
    One, is it possible to get the mixed set without the pharaohs or italians (I don’t want to buy multiple large packs of different colorations because I’m starting off with somewhere around ten birds) and two, how long does shipping take in bordering states? I live in Indiana, if that makes any difference.
    Thank you!

    1. I would ship out with in 2-3 days. And yes if you purchase the mixed set in notes at check out just say you would not like certain colors or feel free to call or text me at +19377607282 so there is not miscommunication

  51. My quail will be hatching in about 3 days and I’m setting up their brooder. My only problem is that we run off a generator and do not have power from 10pm to 7am. Any suggestions on how to keep the chicks warm during those hours? I can have a standard light bulb on during the night but not the high wattage heat bulb.

    1. Hmmmmm. Maybe insulate and use light bulb

  52. Our quail are hatching now! I’m just double checking on how to tell the sex linked male and female apart. In the photo on your website which is which?

    1. The hen will be a light red and the males will be the dark pharaoh

  53. Good afternoon. What is your availability of Jumbo quail (hatching eggs or breeders), regular coturnix color? I am looking for the jumbos for egg production and dinner. Any suggestions?

    Thank you,


    1. I am about a week and a half wait on jumbo eggs and live quail is about 6 weeks. If you call or text me at +19377607282 I will be happy to help you personally

  54. Hello, I ordered a breeder set of live quail last Wednesday May 29th, but I haven’t received the quail yet. I noticed on your website that the quail are shipped the day they are ordered. The post above says they won’t be ready for 6 weeks though? I live outside Philly. Do you know around how many days/weeks it will take for them to come in the mail? I’m not sure when to expect them, or pick them up from the post office.


    1. We only ship live quail Monday and Tuesday so they do not get delayed due to weekend. I should ship Monday but we have a death in the family and the funeral is Monday so we might not ship until Tuesday.

  55. Do you guys sell female hens in small numbers? I would like to have five pearl or snowie hens .

    1. We can. You would just need to contact me personally for a custom order. I should have some in stock next week

  56. I was told hatching eggs would be here on June 13th then said it was late would arrive June 14 by 8 pm it’s now June 14 9:41 pm, called usps and told expected delivery date is June 17th. Very concerned.

    1. I’m sorry. I took my family on a vacation and promised no phones until Wednesday. What is an update? I will make sure you are taken care of. I will be available Friday or after at 937-760-7282. Feel free to call me and I will get you taken care of

  57. i want to order 25 eggs for $15 jumbo wilds
    does the price include shipping?

    1. It does not. Shipping will come up at checkout

  58. Do the egg order price include shipping ?
    24–$15.00. 01841.
    Jumbo wild

    1. They do not. Once you go to check out it will ask your info and give you a price quote

  59. When should I expect my order to arrive?
    #3295 i just want to be home when it gets here

    Thanks G

    1. The website is acting weird. What did you order and what is the name and I will check for you

      1. Gamaliel Aviles
        Order #3295
        50 jumbo wild eggs

  60. I would like to be the breeder set, but I have a few questions. How much does it cost (including shipping), and can I pay through Paypal? Thanks.

    1. Feel free to call me at +19377607282 and I can get your info and help

  61. Waiting to here from you.

    1. How can I help you

  62. Sure do miss your youtube videos

    1. Some are on the way

  63. Hello I wanted to order some eggs from you guys and then I realized the shipping was more than the eggs. I usually get them from Amazon is it possible to get a coupon code. Thanks.

    1. There might be an issue with the website. Message or call me at 19377607282 and I will see what we can do

  64. Hi, a recently had a predator wipe out most of my birds and am looking to get a variety to start again. Is it possible to get a dozen eggs of different colors. I didn’t see it as an option. I have limited space ad don’t really want a bunch of the same color and all your birds look gorgeous.

    1. Sure we would be happy to do a custom order. My number is 19377607282 I will be happy to help

  65. Don’t know if this question has already been answered. I haven’t got time at the moment to read all of these. However, what is the best bedding for the brooders to be safe and keep out insects.

    1. We liked pine when we used bedding

  66. We enjoy your Youtube videos and the information you share. Ya’ll really are generous.

    1. Thank you

  67. Hi, I ordered hatching eggs 9-2-19 and was wondering when to expect delivery #4181. Can hardly wait. How could I order 4 jumbo Wild hens. What would cost be to ship to 30907? I hatched too many males. Is there a way to assure more females to hatch to than males?
    Thanks, Darlene

    1. Sure I can help. I will need a little bit more info. Feel free to contact me at 19377607282

  68. Hi myshire. I’m wanting to get 25 of your Jumbo wild’s.
    Do you ship to the UK?

    1. We can yes. If you would like to call or text me at 19377607282. We can look into the paperwork

  69. I was wondering what your approximate shipping times are for 50 mixed hatching eggs?

    1. I would ship on Saturday for you

  70. We really enjoy your YouTube videos. I was wondering what material you use on your poop conveyer belts?

    1. Thanks for watching and we have a deal on our YouTube channel that when we hit 10k subscribers then we will do a video on the conveyer system

  71. Jumbo Wild Hatching Eggs, when will these be back in stock?

    1. I am hoping by next week….. almost done with new breeders for next year

  72. I would like to register to order some eggs but the site won’t let me. Can you help

    1. I just reset it. It should work now

  73. I was just wondering if you guys ship quail eggs for hatching, to Canada. Thanks for your time.

    1. If you would like to call me at +19377607282. We can see what we can do

  74. Hi,

    Would you ship hatching eggs to Canada?

    1. We have before with great success but it is usually very expensive to ship.

  75. Hi, I’m in KS. I was looking into getting some eggs from you but you have so many varieties now, I’m really confused. I’m looking for the best layers since we eat a lot of eggs and would like to sell some eggs to. Which breed do you recommend? I’m not looking for a duel purpose but a layer breed can you help?


    1. I recommend the jumbo wilds or jumbo Egyptians. They are the best layers and largest quail plus largest eggs

      1. Nice, I will be ordering once I get my set up.

        1. Aweosme!!!!

  76. I am trying to order some eggs but am having issues. can someone help?

    1. I am working on it now. I messed something up when I updated the site. If you would like to call me at 937-760-7282 I would be happy to help. But we are working on the issue now.

  77. Bibo here,Hi Zack,Geena and family. Love your You Tube info . Janet , my friend and myself, have started raising our own quail also . We live high up in the Canadian Rockies ..Went down to – 39 f this winter ,we kept the birds outside and out of the drafts and winds ..Great News –No Issues , never lost even one .Kudos to Janet for taking such good care …Thank you for encouraging others to get interested in quail. Your barn looks great, and we are so pleased you are ALL in Ohio are , here to help the many , you do not know you touch with your work . God Bless .Thanks again

    1. Thank you very much great job on the success and good luck in the future

  78. hello my name is Dan Rutlesge I am a american living in the phillipines would like to start a small quail business here. all I can get are sex linked chicks and even they are difficult to get at times. I am able to hatch eggs but of course get alot more males then needed and it cost for feed to raise them until I can tell they are male or female. So my question is can i hatch the eggs from the sex linked birds and develop my own breeders for my own sex linked birds so I can breed my own birds and not have to rely on others for birds which at times are very unreliable.

    1. No sex link does not produce sex link. They hatch out opposite of what you need

  79. yes but from the sex linked chicks from my sex linked chicks could I get a egyptian male and female pharohs so I can get breeders of egyptians and pharohs thus creating my own sex linked birds

    1. You can take the hatchlings and put them together and you can start getting more wilds and Egyptians of males and hens. It would be 2nd generation.

  80. Thanks Zack and Jenna, got my first ever shipment and first ever quail today by mail. Packing was great they were all fine minus one that had a small chip out of it. I assume that one is not good, I’d love to try and save it but I don’t know how long the chip was out. Another question do I just light wash them before I put them in the incubator tomorrow? They seem pretty clean.

    thanks Brian Becker

    1. No need to wash just put them in. I would not use the one that is cracked unfortunately it could do more harm then good. And congrats, good luck and keep us posted.

  81. I have ordered from you 3 times and have had good hatch rates however I have a question. For instance when I order silvers why do I get so many jumbo browns mixed in the order…or is this a reccesive gene issue

    1. It is a recessive gene that has been bred for many generations with jumbos so that is why. We have the same thing here. The ones that hatch out not silver still carry the silver gene so their babies should go back to silver

      1. Thanks….I ordered some TX A&Ms recently from another person and had a poor hatch rate and most were browns…You have a solid product with good hatch rates. Packaging is the best!!!! Thanks

        1. Thanks we are trying hahahaha

  82. Hi,
    I sent you an email about shipping and your opinion about priority vs express this time of year – I only ask because the price difference is a lot but don’t want to risk losing them either.
    This next week the weather is suppose to be really nice and would be a good time for me to order if you have a male pack available.

    1. We do have male packs available now and can ship up to 20 quail in a box. I would recommend if you are more than 5 states away to do express but if you are 5 states or closer from Ohio do priority

  83. Hi,
    I ordered 2 of your live breeder sets on 3/5/20 and was wondering when they will be shipped out. Thank you.

    1. I ship on Monday for live quail. I have some ready to ship this coming up Monday and I have quite a few shipping out 2 mondays from now. I just looked and yours goes out this coming up Monday.

      1. Awesome! Thank you for the reply!

  84. Hello, I placed an order 5 days ago and I have heard absolutely nothing from you.
    Are you all no longer a business or something?

    1. We are usually about a week out on order. If you ordered jumbos the Egyptians are a week out, jumbo wilds are 2 weeks out and jumbo whites are 3 weeks out. You will receive an email when your eggs are being shipped.

  85. So are you saying to leave what appears to be jumbos in with the silvers I got from ya and also the Tx A&M…cull or leave jumbos in with them to breed or put them back into a jumbo community, thanks.

    1. Hi there!

      I was wondering if you ship quail hatching eggs to my area? The zip code is 90277. Thank you!

      1. We do. We are NPIP and AI clean.

  86. Hi! On March 16th I ordered a group of 6 hens. Do you send out emails whenever a shipment goes out? I was wondering if there are any delays because of the closures related to the virus. If I know their e.t.a. I can be extra ready when they arrive.

    1. Hi. Yes we are hoping to ship on Monday for you. There are no delays concerning the post office I just got really behind on hens but I took the off the website and getting caught up now.

  87. Thank you for the quick reply! My daughter & I love our quail & we’re both excited to get them. Be safe out there.

    1. Thank you and you stay safe as well

  88. Hello, I am interested in ordering a dozen female quail. When do you expect those to be available again? Thanks! 🙂

    1. I am hoping they will be back on the website by next Monday! I am sorry for the delay they go fast

  89. I am looking into ordering eggs and I am wondering how long it will take for them to ship, I am specifically looking into the “RARE VARIETY CHOICE COTURNIX HATCHING EGGS”. It would be a great help if I could hear back from you as soon as possible, thanks.

    1. It would go out possibly Wednesday but the latest would be Saturday if ordered today.

  90. Hi! I was planning to add quail to the homestead this year, but I realize that there’s been a bit of a rush on them–what month do you typically sell quail through in a season? I was thinking of getting one of the sets of unsexed teens, but wouldn’t mind another month to prepare if there will be more.

    Thank you!

    1. We ship all year long. No worries we will be ready when you are.

  91. In Feb 2020 I ordered 50 eggs from MSF on(E-bay)
    I got 60 (Egyptian pharos)of them in the mail all were in good shape in a nice foam pad with holes for each egg none where broken, my incubator holds 48 eggs but I think I had 5 extra floating around inside the incubator (my incubator self-rotates the eggs every 2 hr. ) in about 16-18 days all the chicks where hatched I got 40 chicks so about 10 did not hatch I checked them by cracking open the egg looked like a normal un fertile egg , I’m ok with all this, I am very happy with the turn out , and I will be purchasing a 2d set of a new variety of eggs on E-bay today. (50) More. Thank you MSF for the speedy delivery of your product and your nice videos you have on your web page.

  92. I am looking to hatch some quail with my son. We want to keep 3-4 hens here, and the rest will go to friends who are starting a flock on their farm. I would love eggs that will help us feed our 4 homeschooled boys/men ( ages 10, 13, 16, and 18), and my son wants a pet that I am not allergic to. Which breed do you recommend that would be happy with lots of interrelation with an energetic 10 year old. 🙂 A bonus would be easy sexing, as I’m new at this, and we don’t want to keep any makes at this point. Thanks for your help!

    1. I would recommend the feather sexable mix. They all get along together and are feather sexable and fun colors

  93. Do you have adult Coturnix hens for sale?

    1. No I’m sorry. I am sold out for about 2 weeks. I am sorry for the inconvenience

  94. im interested in 42 male teen quail , if i order today what day would they be shipped?

    1. Did I take care of you through text?

  95. Hi I’m from Serbia,can you send 50 jumbo wild hatching eggs and what will be the price for that? And is that even possible?

    1. No I’m sorry not at this time

  96. Is there a way to receive notification when the jumbos are back in stock?

    1. I am about 5 weeks out right now. But in about a month if you want to contact us I can give you a specific date when they will be back on the website

  97. I would like to come by your place today and pick up eggs. Do you have set hours for pick-up?

    1. I am about 2 weeks out on all eggs I am sorry. But we do allow pick ups yes

  98. I had a hatch of 14 eggs that ended with only 3 chicks born 2 days ago. I am looking for quail to add ASAP so that I can at least get myself to 5 hens. I have Coturnix Celedon Quail but I am not looking to breed just to have egg layers for my family. Will you have any chicks or teens available in the near future?

    1. I just did inventory on live quail and have straight run teens available. You can feel free to call me at 937-760-7282 if I can help

  99. I am a service connected disabled veteran and have everything set up and ready for a breeding set. When will they be ready to be purchased and can I prepay?

    1. I might have some available next week maybe if you want to call me Saturday at 937-760-7282 I can let you know what I have.

  100. Will you have the 1/2 dozen Coturnix hens available again soon?

    Thank you.

    1. I’m sorry all I will have available for the next 6 weeks will be straight run teens only.

  101. We ordered 25 jumbo corturnix eggs from you all about a month ago. We expected maybe a %50 hatch rate, since we were new at this, and they were being sent through the mail. We received 30. And incubated 29. And 23 hatched!!! We are thrilled- and a bit overwhelmed!! How big of a brooder do we need for 23 chicks? I think we may have too many in the brooder we have right now- about 18 inches by maybe 3 feet?

    Thanks so much for the wonderful eggs!

    1. That’s is GREAT! Congrats. I recommend 6 quail per sq ft in brooder and 3-4 quail per sq ft after 3 weeks.

      1. Thanks! They just outgrew our brooder and some have gone to live with friends on their farm. I am amazed at how quickly the have developed and gotten their feathers in! The darker ones are male, right? They’ve always been on the floor in our garage, and after putting them in our friends hutch which is built off the floor I realized the darker ones have some warm colors on their chest. Maybe I just gave all the girls away and kept a bunch of boys! We have one, which had trouble hatching that has wry neck. This little one is also a silver! We were all surprised and delighted. But now I’m not sure if it is a girl or boy! We were planning on keeping as pets 4 females and the little rye neck. Do the silvers get as big? Thanks again for your help in our quail adventure!

  102. Hello! I am exceedingly interested in getting started with quail. After lots of research, your program seems the most reputable! When will you have coturnix hatching eggs next available so I can make an order? I am interested in anything that isn’t a wild type 🙂

    1. Thank you I am sorry for the inconvenience. We will be updating the website this Saturday mid day and will be putting a ton of colors back on the website available to purchase. Thank you for your patience

  103. Zack you said in a video where to buy egg shippers, I can’t find that video again and my old brain can’t remember. If I don’t hear back I’ll ask Sunday in Q & A. Thanks for all you do!

    1. We actually sell them on our website now too

  104. Current expected shipping date for 110 hatching eggs?

    1. About 7-10 days

  105. I’ve emailed & called. My question is what’s the difference in the shipping. It gives me two different prices for priority mail. One is $14.90 & the other is $12.59

    1. Do the cheaper I will look into it and find what is going on with it. I have been sick this week so I am sorry for not getting back with you.

  106. Want to add new breeding stock to my jumbo quail and notice you are currently showing out of stock on both Jumbos. I want to schedule for one of my next couple of incubation cycles. Do you anticipate having Jumbos available in near future? Just want to schedule and would prefer to buy from you.

    1. Unfortunately we are about 3 weeks out on jumbo wilds and jumbo white hatching eggs I’m sorry

  107. ordered 110 jumbo wild eggs 6-4-20 just checking to see when they might ship.ordered 50 of the same thing in early april they hatched and I am well pleased with them.

    1. They go out in about a week from today maybe a little sooner

    2. You are about a week or less out on your order. Good luck and we will get them out as fast we can. Thanks for your patience

  108. bought once from you and satisfied but i have to many random colors… my fault for not doing research. i will keep the farrows and cull the rest. really want to do straight line breeds and have 2 seperate colors. so here is my question. do the silver collection compare to the jumbos? they look amazing. is the weight and egg size decent enough to be jumbo from time to time? im all about meat and eggs so if im going to loose 3 oz of meat and 3 grams per egg then i wont do it. but if its comparable im going to place a order and then another when the incubator is free. this way i can a different generation to incorporate with. thanks for all the youtube videos. very informative

    1. There is nothing that compares to the jumbo wilds. Everything under jumbos are at least 2oz smaller but most are about 5oz smaller

  109. First thanks for all the videos, great stuff! I have placed an egg order with you, and not asking about that. I am also building a large incubator from a cooler. On many of your talks you state you have several videos on incubator builds. The only one I can find is the one on building the lock down, hatcher. Any links to others on your incubator builds would be appreciated. Thanks again.

    1. I am revamping all videos today and tomorrow. But I would suggest looking at coturnix corner. They have a wonderful video on how to build an incubator that should help a lot

  110. hello. I was wondering what is your hatching rate for the jumbo wild corturnix quail ? Thx Michael Brown

    1. Average hatch rate on shipped eggs is 72% for the year. I do not have a specific number on Jumbos sorry

  111. when will the jumbo wilds be available? i will be ready to order the first week of july if you have them ready. if they will be out for a while ill do a different color and then the wilds when incubator frees up. thanks for your time

    1. We are hoping they will be back on the website within 3 weeks from today

  112. I have enjoyed watching your videos and have learned so much! Thanks for all do for us quail lovers. Looks like you have some beautiful quail and I am looking to expand my flock. Will you have a batch of 6 “hens only” mixed colors available by mid August as I will be coming through Ohio around then.

    1. Thank you and I hope so. Beginning of August is when we should be back in stock with live quail

  113. Question on ordering. I have been trying to order some jumbos
    from you(ordered a mix until jumbo’s available) and keep missing when available. Is it possible to place an order but schedule a later delivery date. I am trying to sync my deliveries to available incubator space! Thanks for what you do!!

    1. We are about 3 weeks out on Jumbos. If you want to text 937-760-7282 in about 2 weeks we can get you taken care of before I put them back on the website

  114. I had ordered jumbo quail eggs almost a month ago? Just wondering if you’re caught up yet? Thanks

    1. What is the name that it is under and I can check for you

  115. How much is your shipping cost?

    1. It varies from zip code and weight. Usually for eggs around $20 but it can really very on the other factors

  116. Good morning.. im just wondering if you guys ship to Canada???

    1. Not at this time due to covid I’m aorru

  117. Hi,
    I need around 230 Jumbo Wild Eggs for Hatching Purchase, and i need it in Phillidelphia at my brother address from their he will send the eggs internationally. Can you please guide if does it requires any special certification for internationally shipping ? and Can it habitability still remain if it’s shipped international which will takes 4 to 7 days during shipping ? Please answer. Looking forward for your kind response.Thank you

    1. Unfortunately sending them internationally at this time is very difficult. I am hoping that our jumbos all of them will be back on our website this coming up Monday

  118. With Michigan winter on its way, I am looking for a small watering bowl that is heated. Is there such a thing for quail. I have heater waterers for chickens but need smaller one gal units for quail. Thanks

    1. Yeah. You can find them at tractor supply, Amazon or bay

  119. Great people to work with, I have done business with them through another quail grower and glad I did. They had my birds shipped to me fast and was at my post office when he said they would be. Can’t wait to do business with them in the future!!

  120. Hey Zack,

    hope this is the correct location to leave review for contest

    My experience with MyShire as been nothing but positive
    I have won 2 bids on the Facebook auction
    and communication has been great
    fast delivery times (even received a day early on my last order)
    Zack had even responded quickly when I had questions about incubating
    you customer service can not be beat

    Zack’s and Terry from Coturnix Corner are the 2 individuals that have inspired be to start Quail raising and to see you 2 guys collaborating is great

    the only suggestion I would have for you (and I realize its your busy time for the year)
    more hatching eggs available to order and more Facebook auctions
    I look forward to the Sunday auction fun

    Keep up the good work Zack and MyShire

  121. I’ve watched your series on quail and found them very informative. I’m currently raising jumbo brown for the first time and would be completely lost without your help! I’ve just started getting eggs and plan to hatch some out in the near future. Thanks again for all your help!

  122. I originally bought 2 breeding sets of Quail and fell in love. Just ordered some eggs to replace the original set we lost in a coop fire.

  123. Hello Zack and all you lovely people at My Shire Farm! I bought 50 hatching eggs from you guys 8 weeks ago, and you sent 60! The packaging of the eggs kept them all from cracking, and I had 32 hatch. That is a hatch rate of 53%, which is above and beyond what I was expecting! My chicks were immediately lively and healthy, and while they still haven’t laid yet, they are doing great. Your informative videos have revolutionized my quail experience and kept me from making amateur mistakes, and I hope to order more soon! Your stock produced quail that are beautiful and healthy, the results of years of hard work and intelligent genetic programs. Raising quail is fun, and because of your breeding program and goal to teach the world about raising quail humanely, I have experienced success with my quail. Thank you, My Shire Farm!

  124. Hi, I bought 25 Autumn Amber’s and 25 Scarlet Tuxedo’s and received 5 extra of each. I got a 50% hatch rate out of the Autumn Amber’s and 55% hatch rate out of the Scarlet Tuxedo’s. I did lose a few of each but the ones I have left are absolutely beautiful. They are prettier than I expected. I would recommend My Shire to anyone, I do plan to order more. Thank you My Shire

  125. Hello Zack,
    I hope I win the eggs. I have been watching your YouTube videos with great interest . Thank you for catering to newbies. I believe this new hobby will bring much joy to this old man during my lock down. LOL ?
    Thanks to you and Papa I have constructed an incubator, brooder and grow out cage. All that’s needed are the eggs.

  126. I’d like to leave a review of your videos. Very informative, patient, and enthusiastic. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I’ve got everything I need to begin my first incubation and brooding and am so excited to begin!

  127. I love your YouTube channel. I just wish that you have the ability to be on a list to get breeding group.

  128. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into educating new quail owners. Great videos.

    One idea on improving your videos, is to have Papa build some small cages with plexiglass fronts as a back drop and place your different colors in them during shooting. I think it would be an attention getter.


    Kevin Flowers

  129. Hello Zack hope this is the right place to leave a review for the contest. I have just started Raising quail about 8 weeks ago I tried to order from you. Do to you being recommended to me from several you tube channels. But after checking your page several times you where either out of stock or only have 3 in stock

  130. zack has been helping me start my quail business for about six months . I have visited his operation and he and his wife were so gracious showing us the set up of his farm. zack has also help me make sure I have all the equipment to begin .He may not know it but I would consider him a mentor, he is the only person who was willing to do this .
    thank you,

  131. Hi, Was just wondering if you would ship hatching eggs to Bowmanville, Ontario Canada L1C 3P7

    1. We don’t at this time I’m sorry

  132. when do you have your live breeder set for sale again?

    1. It will be a few months unfortunately. We are just selling hatching eggs at this time

  133. I placed an order for 12 Corturnix quail (Males only) on Aug 15 that I am going to use with some puppies. Order number 34414. Do you have an expected ship date on this order as they are needed within the next week at the latest.

    1. They will ship monday

  134. I placed an order for Cortunix Quail (all males) on Aug 15th, order number 34414, that I need to use with some puppies. Is there an expected ship date? I need them within the next week to use with the puppies before they head to their new homes.

    1. They ship on Monday

  135. Hi when will you guys be able to send more jumbo brown coturnix quail hatching eggs it says they are out of stock?

    1. We will be putting them back on the website this Wednesday at 1pm EST

  136. Got a question.. im heading back to the Philippines this fall and would like to take back some jumbo eggs.. around 120 or so. what do i have to do to take them and what papers i need to get done. i will put them in my check in luggage. how much for a 120 eggs to hatch out.. thanks

    1. As far as I know they are not allowing live embryos across the border legally at this time. I am sorry

  137. I have ordered two batches of hatching eggs from Myshire and have had phenomenal hatch rates (76% and 78%). I have now hatched my own eggs from my first order and have a 86% hatch rate so far, waiting for more to hatch today. Thanks Zack!

    1. That is great congrats

  138. Hello all at MyShire Farm. Watch all your videos, never can watch the live ones though I do watch them after the fact. I ordered 25 Jumbo Wild Hatching Eggs on Aug. 26 and there were still 2 of them available when I placed my order. Just wondering if my order was able to be processed then, or will they be shipped at the next availablity. Sorry to be a bother, I know you folks are wicked busy.
    Appreciate all I’ve learned from watching your well put together videos and web site. Thanks for all you do. Kitty

    1. It is. They are scheduled to go out end of this week beginning of next.

  139. Hi guys. Just received my order of 25 (30) Jumbo Wild hatching eggs. All in perfect condition. They are going into the incubator tomorrow morning. I will keep you posted on the hatch. They are all nice large eggs, however one of them is a massive 17 grams. I can’t wait to see what pops out of that one.
    Thank you for such excellent service and all the wonderful information you provide.

    1. That’s great good luck

  140. How does labor day affect shipping?

    1. You went out today

  141. when will you guys have hens in stock to ship. very interested in 20-25

    1. About 3-4 weeks

  142. when will the panda eggs be available?

    1. We are working on the again. So it will be a few months

  143. Hello Zach and all other hard workers at My Shire Farm! Your work here is amazing, and I have made several orders to you. I have a covey of 9 (7 females and 2 males) and wanted to expand my flock. I made an order for a total of 125 eggs: 50 SSCs, 50 Egyptians, and 25 Falb Fee hatching eggs on September 2, 2020. I have yet to receive any updates or eggs, and although I expected them a few weeks ago, I am patient for when you guys have enough eggs in stock to fulfill my order. I wanted to ask if my order has been received, and when I should expect my eggs?
    Thank you for all you do and God bless! Happy Quailing,

    1. They just went out this week. You should get them tomorrow

      1. Thank you! I received them. All were in perfect condition. Will buy from you again!

        1. Awesome good luck

  144. What is shipping on 110 eggs to 30607.

    1. Usually around $25

  145. Hello, wondering how male quails are kept. If they are kept in large cage (males only) would there be violence ?

    1. We keep about 50 in a cage and no we don’t really have any fighting.

  146. I ordered some snowey eggs on October 5th, order number 41462. Could I get an update on my order? Like when they are expected to ship? Thank you❤

    1. I believe you go out Saturday

  147. My wife Deborah Stump placed an order for 25 feather sexable hatching eggs. I wasn’t expecting much due to past experience with shipped eggs. The eggs arrived with none damaged and 5 extra. I let them rest for 24hrs and put them in my incubator . I have a Hovabator genesis 1588. I set the incubator temperature at 99.5. I put the eggs on lockdown on day 14. On day 18 I woke up to see 1 egg zipped but not hatched, it looked like it was dry where it was zipped so I got it out and pryed the end off. The chick was fine but I knew it was too dry in the incubator so I put a wet washcloth in to raise the humidity some more. The hatch lasted all day with a final count of 28 quail out of the 30 eggs I received! I will definitely recommend Myshire Quail Farm to anyone.

    1. That’s GREAT. Congrats

    2. That is awesome CONGRATS

  148. hey, I have email you a couple times and I have not gotten any reply. Sorry I know your busy. I was just wondering about which incubator I should get, I was planning on getting the harris farms nurture right 360. But if you have a different one you think I should get then I would love it if you could tell me. Thanks

    1. We make our own incubators unfortunately. We do not know much about store bought incubators. I would go to Facebook and join the group Newbie quail lovers and ask recommendations on there and a ton of people should be able to help.

  149. okay thanks, I think I will buy it. it has good reviews and alot of youtubers recommend it. also I was wondering if you have read my emails.
    thanks, seth

    1. I have not gotten to emails yet I am sorru

  150. Zach

    with the mix, can all be in same pen or cage, and what will happen, if mixed breeds mate?
    also, what are the chances of having hen and rooster breeding and having deformed offspring, when ordering a set of eggs? I am interested in ordering the jumbo wilds, and the variety egg sets.

    1. Yes they can breed together and be in the same cage. As long as you don’t inbreed you should not have any or very little issues with hatches

  151. Hey Zack, sorry for massaging you like every day. I was wondering if the shipping cost was included with the eggs?
    thanks, Seth

    1. No shipping is separate. Sorry

  152. when would jumbo wild coturnix be available again??

    1. I will know more in a little bit but about a week or so

    2. They are on the website now

  153. Hey Zack, I just watched your vid on sex links. It is a little confusing. I was wondering if I could make sex links ssc’s and german pastels?

    1. No you can’t. It can only be true breeds with rouxs

  154. For a while just received my variety pack of 50 from you guys awesome job on packaging and will let you know what my hatch rate is only had one broke but it was not bad at all so put it in the incubator anyway know it well not hatch but worth a try thank you zack and myshire

    1. That is great good luck

    2. That’s great best of lucj

  155. Hello! I have recently had several chicks hatch out and expect more tomorrow! They’re beautiful and healthy little babies. I was wondering if there was a decently priced incubator for hatching smaller clutches that you recommend? Mine was serviceable but not particularly stable and I had to fuss with it a lot.

    1. I am not familiar with store bought incubators but if you are on Facebook and join the group Newbie quail lovers post in there and a ton of people will be able to help. Congrats on the hatch

      1. Thank you! I have 22 now. I think that’s about all I’ll get, but that’s only 3 down. Thank you for the info.

        1. That’s great. Congrats

  156. Hey Zack, I just placed an order of sexlink eggs. I tried ordering from Quail Empire and there was so much confusion and craziness, the only reason I ordered from them was because it was a few bucks cheaper. I was wondering when they would arrive?

    1. Due to the holiday most orders will go out Saturday or beginning of next week. It usually would be sooner but the holiday in mid week set everything back

  157. Hey Zack it’s me again, so I placed my order on the 23rd, can I still get the thanksgiving sale? My order doesn’t go out until after thanksgiving.
    Thanks so much, Seth

  158. When do you expect to have the Jumbo Coturnix (wild) hatching eggs available? We are looking to purchase 400-600 and just saw your site online. We are in Southwest Florida and wondered where you are located. We are state licensed and NPIP.
    Edd & Claudia

    1. They are on the website now. Sorry for the delay

  159. do u need a permit for the quail you sale

    1. Not that I know of

  160. Hey Zack it’s me again, so I placed my order on the 23rd, can I still get the thanksgiving sale? My order doesn’t go out until after thanksgiving.
    Thanks so much, Seth

    1. Text me at 19377607282 and I will refund your order

  161. ok I will. But I don’t want a full refund, just the %30 off.

  162. Hi, do you guys sale 1 dozen egg cartons?
    I bought some on Amazon but my quail eggs are to big for the cartons.
    I sale my eggs and need cartons to hold 1 dozen eggs.
    If you don’t have them do you know where a can get them?
    I have Jumbo Brown Coturnix Quail
    My eggs weigh an average of 16.6 grams.

    Thank you

    1. We do not. Our smallest amount is 25 count I am sorry

  163. Hi , recently purchased 110 eggs from Myshire Farm and can’t express how tickled we are.
    had 95 to hatch. Looking forward to ordering again from you guys after the holidays.
    God Bless and thank you

    1. That’s great. Congrats

  164. I am in Ft Myers for the winter and Michigan in the summer. When we go by your place I would love to stop and get some hatching eggs. I got 20 eggs from Idaho last fall and I had 10 hatch. My grandson is taking care of my quail while we are away. By all indication he is doing a great job. I have 5 hens and he is getting 5 eggs almost everyday.

    I would love to get 110 bumbo brown and a small order of the jumbo whites. Is there anyway I could stop and pick up some eggs in the middle of March

    1. Yes that should not be a problem I would order about 2-3 weeks in advance and we will
      Schedule something then.

  165. hey zack I am the winner of the 18 and under contest for this month, I am wondering when I can expect my stuff to arrive?

  166. Hi,

    I would need 10 small-sized quail eggs. Do you sell them?

    can you please confirm and if its available now?

    1. I will have some straight run teen sets available on our website on Sunday. I have to go through them this week

  167. Hello! Would like to purchase roughly 250 jumbo wild quail. Could I possibly have them ship out the week of April 4? I’ll keep checking on your availability so I can purchase them. Thank you !

    1. That would not be a problem. If you want to text me at 19377607282 I can send you a personal invoice to get you on the list for 4/4

  168. I am ordering 50 Tibetan quail eggs from you and 50 from another suppler to replace some of the Bobwhite quail used in Johnny houses used for dog training. A friend had some that was raised in flight pens he said ”they fly good but does not know if they covey and recall like bobwhite do”. Do you any experience using Tibetan quail in this manner? I would appreciate your thoughts on using Tibetans quail?
    Thanks John

    1. They are glorified jumpers and from my experience they are great for training but not for resealing and hunting

  169. Hi, I had ordered 50 Autumn Amber hatching eggs on the 2nd when should I expect them to ship?

    1. Next week

      1. Thanks!

  170. when will you have a breeding set available? thanks!

    1. About 3 weeks

  171. Hello,

    I ordered eggs on Jan 31. Would you be able to let me know when I can expect them? I can no longer log into your website.

    Order 56653

    Thank you,

    1. You go out Tuesday morning and we will send you a tracking on Monday for you.

  172. When will you have the live quail breeder set or the 6live female quails? thanks!

    1. About 3 weeks

  173. Hi this is Christine, I love what you guys do and the variety of quail that you breed. I know this is early to ask but I’m really excited for them! I ordered 25 autumn amber quail eggs yesterday and was just wondering when I would be expecting them? And do they ship straight to my house? And what time do they usually show up? Order #58294 thank you so much!!! You can contact me at cdhiebert100@gmail.com

    I had 6 quail March last year and only have 2 tuxedo cortunix quail left and it’s a boy and girl. I love them very much but I love my baby girl more, her name is penny and she is so nice and loves to be pet. The boy in the other hand is named Richard…for a good reason ?

    1. Also my incubator likes to stay in the humidity if 50% is that good for hatching the eggs still or should I get it back down to 45%?

      1. 50 is a little high

        1. So try to keep it at 45%? It likes to shift from 43%-47% when I try to keep it down.

          1. That would be just fine

    2. About a week and a half. Best of luck and we will get them out asap

      1. Awesome thank you!

  174. Hi, I this is Miguel, Just send a payment for some quail eggs, when will be them ship?

    1. They typically take about 2 weeks to ship once order is placed

  175. We ordered hatching eggs in February to be shipped to the North East! They shipped on a Monday and snow storms swept across the midwest. Guaranteed delivery on Thursday, they didn’t arrive until Saturday. My Shire farm customer service was wonderful and said they would reship the order. In the meantime they recommended we try hatching the eggs. We are first time incubators, 28 eggs went on the incubator and I’m pleased to say 15 hatched!!

    1. That is great congrats

  176. Hello, is there a date or estimated time when your live female quail or breeder sets will be available?

    1. It will be a few months I am sorry for live quail

  177. Hi, I was wondering when Jumbo wild hatching eggs will be available again, is there a waiting list. Thank you

    1. I am hoping to have them on the website late next week

  178. we ordered the jumbo white winged pharaoh, its been several weeks now and we’ve heard nothing any idea what to do?

    1. Sure what is your name and I will look at it. I am very sorry but will be happy to get you an eta

  179. Eggs took 8 days to arrive in Alaska but still had 82% hatch rate, very healthy chicks! Used 2 hovabators 1588, hatched 198 out of 240. Thanks, we love them so much!!

    1. That is great!!!!! Congrats

  180. I just ordered my incubator and I’m anxious to get started in the adventure of raising quail. Are you still looking at a 2 week lead time for orders of The Variety Choice (MIX COLORS)Coturnix Quail Hatching Eggs?

    1. Yes 2-3 weeks once order is placed

  181. I am wanting two live Breeder sets, do you know when you will have these available for purchase?

    1. We only have eggs right now. We won’t have live quail until mid summer

  182. Any ideas when more 6 week quail will be available? Thanks

    1. The goal is beginning of summer

  183. Hello guys I was just wondering if you do international shipping going to the ( Philippines ).

    1. No not at this time I am sorry

  184. Hi Zach,
    I currently have jumbo pharaoh and would like to add some color to my flock. I’m interested in your SSC collection. I have a couple questions, with the SSC’s could I breed them to each other? Would there be any issues with breeding them to my jumbo’s? Love your videos! Thanks.

    1. You can breed the ssc together for about 3-4 generations and then need to switch it up and no breeding to jumbos is a great idea

      1. Awesome! Thank you.

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