Wattle fencing is a very old concept. It was put into use before post hole diggers, chain link fences, and barbed wire. It was used when people knew how to make things off the land. This fencing was used for livestock, predator protection and proper lines. It is basically a stack and weave technique of sticks and branches between upright branch “posts”. Originally saplings of willow or hazel wood were harvested soaked in water to become pliable, and woven basket style in permeant or semi permeant sections. These movable sections of fencing could then be used to rotate grazing areas, or even build housing structures. I fell in love with this technique and wanted to implement it on our farm, but I just wasn’t sure where to start. Hazel wood I have never seen before, but willow (not the weeping kind) was just across the street on a neighbors farm. I decided to look into this lead, but next time I go down the driveway, I notice the neighbors’ willow had all been cut down. My idea had come a few days too late. There was a few salvageable pieces that we were able to take home and put into wet sand to root. (this technique works great) So maybe next year I will have some to play with. At this point I was putting the idea on hold, I needed a lot of willow and without a source, I was thinking of growing my own and try again later. Papa, of course, already had his wheels turning in a different direction. 2x4s sliced thin, could be woven into a wattle type fencing and was readily available. Also, because it was cut so thin the cost was lower than other “pretty”fencing. At about $2 a foot we decided to give it a try. The labor time was considerable at about an hour a 5 foot panel, but it is a fence that has the same wattle look that I love, and is totally unique. Take a look at the video of the building process, let me know what you think. We also are implementing the wattle concept in a mobile quail “tractor”. But more on that later. Thanks for reading!
This is how we wattle