Spring is coming! Okay so it might not FEEL like it, but things on the farm are already getting busy. We have already had our calfs of the year born. All 6 are happy and healthy. They were born the end of January. We were hauling the not-so-little newborns to the barn in blankets. 4 of us, one on each corner of the blanket carrying these 100+ calfs before they could walk, still sticky with afterbirth through the mud to the barn. It is not a memory that me or my girls will forget. So that was our spring kick off in January. February is planting time. Yes, we planted in January too, but February its time to get serious. Hundreds of seeds get buried in six packs, to emerge a few days later.Then comes the painstaking process of plant water replant water repot water. until one day, months from now, they can go to their permanent home outside or in the hoop house. Then perhaps, months after that, they will be ready for harvest and preservation. The whole process starts now. While the fire is still blazing in the kitchen, and the coffee pot stays on until noon.
Spring is coming.

1 Comment
I love the sneak peek inside your life on the farm!