Brooding Your Coturnix Chicks

If you are exploring the idea of hatching quail for self-sufficiency, you’ve come to the right place! If you discovered this page through our book, the Beginner’s Guide to Raising Coturnix Quail, this where you’ll find supplemental videos for Chapter 5: Chick Care. 

Brooder Heat Source Options

Keeping your Coturnix quail chicks warm in the brooder is a top priority. There are several heat sources to choose from. To help you decide which one is best for you, here are some pros and cons for each: 

red heat lamp

Heat Lamps

Heat lamps typically have a 250 watt red bulb that screws into a reflector hood. You can hang the lamp or clamp it onto something so it’s positioned above your brooder floor.

 •  They give out lots of heat instantly
 •  Red light doesn’t interfere with chicks’ sleep
 •  You can easily see/monitor chicks 
 •  They work well outdoors, even in a cold environment

 •  They are HOT; can cause burns or fires
 •  They draw a lot of power, so they are more expensive to run than other options 

black ceramic heat bulb

Ceramic Heat Bulbs

These 100-150 watt bulbs are designed for reptiles, but they are becoming popular as a safer alternative to the red heat lamp. They are best for indoor use where temperatures are a minimum of 50-60° F.  

 •  Lower fire risk than heat lamps
 •  They don’t draw as much power

 •  You may need to use more of them
 • They don’t emit light, so you may need to provide another source of daytime light for your chicks.
 •  Because you can’t see when they’re on, many people plug them into a controller with a high/low alarm, like the Inkbird, to maintain a specific temp in the brooder. 

a black heat plate raised on four red legs

Heat Plates

These plates mimic a mama hen. Chicks go under the plate to stay warm. Heat plates work best indoors, where room temp is a minimum of  50-60° F. (Check manufacturer specifications for minimum temps.) These plates put out radiant heat, meaning they heat objects underneath, but not air. For best results, always put bedding under the heat plate.

 •  They are the safest heat source, especially for kids
 •  They are the cheapest to run of all three options

 •  They are the most expensive of all three options
 •  It’s not as easy to see chicks/monitor chicks
 •  You may need to adjust the plate height daily
 •  You may need to add more heat plates as your chicks grow

Chick Care Videos

For more videos on brooding Coturnix quail chicks, visit our YouTube channel!