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Quail 101 – Full Course


Ready to boost your self-sufficiency with quail? 
This on-demand class will show you everything you need to know to start raising Coturnix quail! Skip the internet searches and get ALL the information you need in ONE convenient place. This on-demand course includes 8+ hours of video content and useful resources that cut through to the heart of what you need to know. Includes:

  • how-to videos (access anytime – see below for content details)
  • fun, interactive quizzes to test your knowledge
  • PDF downloads for quick reference
  • spreadsheets to calculate your costs (and profits, if you plan to sell eggs)

I absolutely LOVE this course and refer back to the lessons often! The lessons guided me step-by-step throughout my first year of raising, breeding and harvesting my own quail. From hatching to the dinner plate, this all-inclusive course covers everything you need to know. ~Bev S.



From hatching to the dinner plate, this all-inclusive course covers everything you need to know about being successful in your own journey!

With the Quail 101 video course, you’ll learn how to:

  • choose the right feed (for chicks and adults)
  • decide to start with live quail or hatching eggs
  • determine how many quail you need
  • choose the right housing for your quail
  • calculate your costs (and profits, if you decide to sell eggs)
  • hatch and care for quail chicks
  • identify gender and choose your breeders
  • care for adult quail throughout the seasons
  • butcher quail and cook with quail meat and eggs

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