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Live Quail – TEENS (3 Wks)


Get a head start!

  • Set of 10 or 20 standard-size 3-week-olds – lots of fun COLORS
  • STRAIGHT RUN (too young to determine gender)
  • NOT feather-sexable – vent sex at 6-8 weeks old
  • NPIP certified (tested clean – NO avian influenza)
  • GUARANTEED to arrive alive and well
  • Post office pickup may be required

Details below

SKU: N/A Category:


Skip most of the brooder phase* and get right to raising quail in your cage, hutch, or aviary.

Raising Coturnix quail will increase your food independence. This set will give you a head start in providing a clean and secure source of meat and eggs for your family. Males can be butchered at 8 weeks, but if you want your hens to produce fertile eggs, keep one male for every 5 females. Your hens will start laying at 6-8 weeks, and will lay about 300 eggs per year for about 2 years.

This is a  STRAIGHT RUN set of quail, so you will be able to identify their genders at maturity (6-8 weeks old). Expect about 50% to be male and 50% to be female – but nature sometimes surprises 🙂

Standard (not jumbo) size – best for egg production.

Colors are based on availability and may include: English White, Rosetta, Tibetan, Scarlet and more!

We feed your TEEN set a 27% grower crumble. When they arrive, they will continue to need high protein feed (25-30%) until the females start laying eggs.

If your cage is in an area (indoors or outdoors) that dips below 70° F at ANY point during the day or night, you will need to provide a heat lamp or heat plate for 2 weeks after your TEEN set arrives. 

We take great care to ensure that your live birds arrive quickly and safely.

  • We ship live quail ONLY on Tuesdays, so allow 2-3 weeks for delivery
  • We’ll send your Priority Mail Express tracking number before your birds ship
  • Most likely, you’ll need to pick your birds up at your local post office – they’ll call you

Shipping live birds through the US Post Office is our best option. However, extreme weather can cause delays and turbulence can cause injuries. We GUARANTEE that EVERY quail we ship will arrive alive and uninjured; if not, we’ll refund you for each affected bird. In addition, we will refund you for any shipped bird that dies within 24 hours of arrival. To qualify for the refund, email jenna@myshirefarmc.om within 3 days of your shipment arrival. See guarantee details.

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