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Hatching 101 – Mini Course


New to hatching quail? Want to improve your hatch rates?
This interactive mini-course (taken from our Quail 101 course) will help take the stress out of hatching!

  • Learn from experts
  • Avoid common mistakes
  • Hatch with confidence

Hatching 101 covers everything you need to know, including:

  • what to look for in an incubator
  • how to choose the right incubator for you
  • how to calibrate your incubator
  • what temperature and humidity settings to use
  • how (and when) to candle your eggs
  • what to expect during the hatch
  • when to move your chicks out of the incubator
  • and more – see below

Course satisfaction guaranteed.
Plus, get $10 off when you upgrade to the complete Quail 101 course.

What students say

Very informative and done in a fun way! ~ John D.

I learned so many tips and tricks that I never would have thought of! I’ve been hatching for 40+ years and found info that will be invaluable! Who says you can’t teach an old dog….. THANK YOU! ~ Lanette B.



Questions answered in this mini-course:

Why Incubate? 

  • Why can’t I have my quail hatch their eggs?
  • What are the benefits of incubating and hatching eggs myself?

Incubation Timeline 

  • What do I need to do each day during incubation? 
  • How do I calibrate my incubator? 
  • When and why should I candle eggs? 
  • Why can’t I open the incubator after lockdown?
  • How does high humidity help chicks during the hatch?
  • What do I do if some of my eggs haven’t hatched?
  • Why should I candle my eggs that didn’t hatch?
Development: From Embryo to Chick
  • What is the bloom and what does it do?
  • What is the air sac and why is it important?
  • What is the purpose of the yolk in chick development?
  • What is the egg tooth used for?
  • What does pipping and zipping mean?

Choosing An Incubator

  • What are the three types of incubators?
  • What are the most common features incubators?
  • Which of those features are good for beginners to have?
  • What incubators do people in the quail community recommend and why?
  • What are the risks in buying a used incubator?
What To Do Before You Set Your Eggs
  • Where is the best place to put my incubator?
  • How do I sanitize my incubator?
  • What do I need to do before I start my hatch?
  • What is the difference between a wet hatch and a dry hatch?
  • What are the temperature and humidity settings for a wet hatch?
  • What are the temperature and humidity settings for a dry hatch?
  • How do I calibrate my incubator?
Setting Your Eggs
  • How do I unpack and check shipped eggs?
  • Why let shipped eggs rest for 24 hours prior to incubation?
  • How do I remove eggs from shipping foamers?
  • How do I load up eggs into quail rails or egg turners?
  • How do I determine what day is day 1 of my hatch?
Candling, Lockdown, and Hatch
  • When can I candle my eggs? 
  • How can I tell if there’s an embryo in the egg when I candle?
  • What are the benefits of candling after hatch?
  • What do I need to do at lockdown? 
  • Why do I need to increase the humidity at hatch? 
  • What is my target humidity at lockdown for a dry hatch? 
  • What is my target humidity at lockdown for a wet hatch?
  • What happens if the humidity spikes after my hatch starts?
  • How can I increase airflow during hatch? 
  • What is the typical timeline for hatching? 
  • How often should I move dry chicks out of the incubator to the brooder?
  • What are the drawbacks of helping struggling chicks get out of the shell?
  • What are the benefits of cleaning and sanitizing my incubator?
5 Ways to Get Better Hatches
  • What are the benefits of insulating my incubator?
  • What are the benefits of cleaning my incubator fan?
  • Should I sanitize my incubator after every hatch? 
  • How can I sanitize my incubator? 
  • What are the benefits of having a second thermometer/hygrometer?
  • How long should I let my incubator run before I set my eggs?
  • How can I find cold spots in my incubator?
  • How can I fix cold spots in my incubator? 
  • Why read the manufacturer’s recommendations before purchasing an incubator?
Hatching FAQs / Common Troubleshooting
  • Why did my chicks hatch early?
  • Why did my chicks hatch late? 
  • Why did some of my chicks develop, but not hatch?
  • What is the best time to candle eggs?
  • Can I spray dirty eggs with disinfectant?
  • Do I have to turn my eggs during incubation?
  • I can’t control my humidity at lockdown. Will my chicks drown?
  • Why should I increase airflow at lockdown?
  • My power went out. Are all my chicks dead?
  • Why are my chicks aggressive in the incubator?
  • Will it hurt to open my incubator when I still have pipped eggs in there?
  • My chicks hatch on day 15, and 18, and 21. Why?
  • I only got a 50% hatch rate. How can I increase my hatch rate?


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