Food to Avoid Giving Coturnix Quail

Foods to Avoid Giving Coturnix Quail

As homesteaders, sometimes we have a lot of really great produce coming out of the garden. Sometimes TOO much! And you might think, “Wouldn’t it be great to share some of these tasty treats with my quail?” As it turns out, Coturnix quail can’t eat just ANYTHING. Here’s a list of food to avoid giving to Coturnix quail that will help you keep your birds safe. 

And remember to keep “treats” to less than 10% of their daily diet, or to what they can consume in about an hour’s time. Their formulated feed has the right balance of nutrients they need to stay healthy, so that should be their primary source of nutrition.

This list is shared with permission from the author.
It’s included in Quail 101, an online course that is FULL of resources for new quail raisers. We highly recommend it!