Foods to Avoid Giving Coturnix Quail As homesteaders, sometimes we have a lot of really great produce coming out of the garden. Sometimes TOO much! And you might think, “Wouldn’t it be great to share some of these tasty treats with my quail?” As it turns out, Coturnix quail can’t eat just ANYTHING. Here’s a […]
In this blog we are going to help with taking care of your chicks once they have hatched by lowering chick fatality. An average fatality % for chicks per hatch is 5- 10% depending on your level of knowledge and experience. A few losses are unavoidable however these tips should help minimize losses. The first […]
Hatching Guide
Myshire Farm Hatching Guide Thank you for choosing Myshire Farm for your coturnix hatching eggs! We have compiled a few tips to help you incubate your eggs and look after your newly hatched babies! Here is our recommendations. Now that your eggs have arrived we suggest you unpack the eggs and place them pointy side […]

Winter is coming–how to winterize for your quail
The leaves are turning here in Ohio, and the night are getting cold. Thus I am forced to face the fact that winter will soon be here, like it or not. I am an “or not” person. The thought of tending to the animals in snow, or wind, or wind and snow sounds downright awful. […]

The tricky business of adding more quail to an existing covey
If you have had quail, then you know they will fight. And when they fight, they fight dirty. For some reason they like to go for the eyes and head. It can be quite gruesome. Generally these fights are between males over females, or when a new bird tries to join the current group. The […]

So your gunna be a quail parent….tips and ideas for a easy hatch
So your gunna be a quail parent….. Below is a short list of ideas to help you with incubating eggs and your new babies. Let eggs “rest” overnight after your receive them in the mail pointy side down before setting them in your incubator. This lets the air sack in the egg go in […]

Quail is the new chicken
Yep move over chicken…. The quail is here to stay! It has earned top spot at Myshire, and I’m sure many more farms and urban homesteader will make the switch too. Here is the case for changing the way you do birds. 1) Space efficiency. They just don’t need a lot of space! The […]

Top 10 tips for raising chicks…These you need to know!
I raise birds… Mainly quail, but with a few turkeys, geese, chickens, and ducks thrown in. I have come across some tips over time, some of them mine, some stolen from others. Here are a few of my favorite unconventional or $ saving ideas. To prevent water dish drownings from day old chicks, add rocks […]

4 tips for a wood burning stove
Tips for a wood burning stove. When I moved into my house 5 years ago. I didn’t know what the large black box metal box was in the kitchen. I knew it was ugly, and it took up too much room. That space could be used for something practical like cabinet space or extra seating…Then […]

The lost art of homesteading: I am TRYING to find it
I moved to the country five years ago. I didn’t know how to garden, can, raise any kind of animal, and defiantly nothing about processing any kind of animal. I knew nothing about greenhouses, cisterns, rain barrels, wood burning stoves, or smokehouses. I knew nothing about homesteading. All of this learning has been on hyperdrive, a […]